Simple Steps to Enable Voice Call Feature on Whatsapp

After the launch of Whatsapp Web, now Whatsapp is introducing voice calling feature Whatsapp is making constant improvements after being acquired by FacebookA user pradnesh07 on Reddit posted some of the screenshots of voice call features in Whatsapp‘s new update, not only voice feature, but it also got material UI update.

Image Source : Reddit

Users can avail this voice call feature by the invite system, In which one user when makes Whatsapp voice call to another user then another user can start using Voice call feature. Earlier Pradnesh07 told that users who have nexus 5 with lollipop version can only use this feature right now, but later on he confirmed that it’s available on Android kitkat 4.4 or above, other OS, other ROMs and in other Countries too. Also, this guy made a video on quick overview of Whatsapp Voice Call feature.

Another Reddit  user Tropiux gave a method to enable voice calling feature on Whatsapp without having an invite. Make sure you have Android Version 4.4 (Kitkat) or above.

 Enable Whatsapp Voice Call feature without getting an invite using these steps:

  • Download latest version of Whatsapp, since it’s not available at Play Store you can download it from official website using this direct link or this alternative link.
  • Make sure your phone is rooted.
  • Open terminal with root privileges.
  • Type the following command am start -n com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity.
  • You need to type this command every time you need to make a voice call using Whatsapp.
  • Simply call your friend who has installed latest version of Whatsapp using the link above after that, he or she can start using Whatsapp voice call feature.
  • After your friend’s voice call feature is activated he or she can simply call you back using Whatsapp so that you can also activate voice call feature permanently.

 Comment below and Do let us know whether you were able to activate voice call feature on Whatsapp or not ?

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Aakash Goyal

+Aakash+is a tech enthusiast who also keep on discovering latest seo and geeky tips.

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  1. Never used calling privilege on whatsapp. Is it better than viber?

    • Aakash Goyal says

      Yes call quality was best even at 2G.

      • Supriya Agarwal says

        Call quality on WhatsApp is not good even at 3G. Its good for messaging and group chatting but for voice call Viber is best.

    • No Viber is better than whatsaap, even Skype is better than it. I like to use whatsaap only for chatting and sharing pics or videos.

  2. this is cool tips, I truly enjoy, by help of your tips I enable my whats app option.. thanks for your step by step demo tutorials